Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Our "new normal"??

It's day...heck, I've lost count what day it is our 'new reality' or 'new normal' or whatever people call this situation. I, like many others who live in California, working from home and doing their best to follow stay-at-home orders. I experienced several different feelings of disbelief, annoyance, worry, anger, frustration, sadness. Not just for myself, but for those who are greatly affected. I understand my privilege. I am able to work from home with very little inconvenience. I have steady income and am without concern for job security because I'm fortunately working in a sector (healthcare/med device) that is vital, even more so under these circumstances. I'm not missing any milestones of my youth, like senior-year activities, college graduation, child-births or weddings. It is relatively easy for me to make modest adjustments and I'm doing my best to keep this perspective.

It doesn't mean I'm not without feelings, since feelings are a result of your perspective and personal experiences. I'm adjusting to the indefiniteness of our current situation. I've decided to take it day by day. Being present and not looking forward is very helpful way for me to manage this situation. This is not my natural instinct. I have goals, make plans and have fun things to look forward to. My friend and I were suppose to go to see Allen Stone last night. Next week, we were suppose to be at Pearl Jam.

Maybe it helps me that I have always lived with a certain level of uncertainty and change. My childhood was loving, but came with a high-level of turbulence during adolescence. It wasn't until I was in my early 30's that I really began to crave stability and set roots. It is true that everything in your life leads you to where you are, because all those experiences shape how one chooses to react to their circumstances.

I've written before how blessed I am to have a great support system. We don't get through life on our own. For me, reaching out to various people whether it's a phone call, video chat or text has always been my outlet. Feeding my soul through meaningful interactions with people I care about and those who care about me. The basic needs of our being doesn't change under these circumstances. Love, food, exercise and sleep, but they are magnified because we don't have all the other distractions filling our time. Trying to keep it simple seems to be working for me. Oh, and retail therapy. And naps. Everyone knows I love a good nap.

Here are three things I've done this week:

  • Started a two person book club with a friend.
  • Set up a group chat with former work colleagues.
  • Designed/ordered supplies to make my balcony a retreat, so I can feel a cozy escape when needed.

Hang in there. Be kind to each other, and more importantly, be kind to yourself. If you don't fill your cup up, you can't have anything to fill up the cups of others.
Love and Peace,

2019 Reading List

  • Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis
  • Born Standing by Steve Martin
  • The Proposal by Jasmine Guillory