Monday, June 15, 2009

Where does the weekend go?

I have a nice gig that allows for every weekend to be a long weekend. If only I could find a permanent job(ahem, are you listening Universe?) that afforded such luxury, I would be set. Yet, come Monday I wonder what did and I. I did do a lot, but sleep deprivation doesn't translate to a fresh start for my week.

I wish I could say that I did a million things, like a spa day on Friday before going out to dinner at this exclusive little Spanish cafe. After drinking several pitchers of Sangria, spent evening dancing and off to after-hours party at a friends' of a friends' house. In reality, we spent Friday at Dad's house for BBQ. Spent Saturday night waking up every hour or so with the Dude. Poor guy is suffering from low-grade fever, most likely caused by teething. I don't care what Children's hospital web site claims, why can't teething cause a fever? Anyways, we relaxed at home while waiting for Lakers game to start. Dinner and game-time. Sunday disappeared as we watched the celebrations(Go Lakers!).

It doesn't matter if the weekend is long or short; because when we wake up to go to work, it signifies it is gone and passed. And isn't a passing always a little sad?

1 comment:

  1. My hubby often gets the Sunday night blues....just knowing the good times are over for another week!
    And I'm with you on can add diarrehea (sp?) to the list of lovely symptoms.


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2019 Reading List

  • Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis
  • Born Standing by Steve Martin
  • The Proposal by Jasmine Guillory